Pa(dding|rtitioning) oracles, and another hot take on PAKEs

I’ve been trying to read more applied crypto papers here and there, and this past week, Partitioning Oracle Attacks (Len, Grubbs, Ristenpart) came up on my reading list. This paper presents a new class of attack against certain cryptographic protocols that are based on low-entropy secrets (e.g., passwords). It’s a way to dramatically speed up guessing attacks – for example, in some cases the attack allows the attacker to binary-search over a dictionary of passwords instead of trying them one-by-one. This type of attack seems likely to become a classic because it applies to some well-known encryption schemes and many different applications.

In this post, I’ll give a high-level overview of another classic oracle attack (padding oracles), and compare and contrast to the new concept of partitioning oracle attacks as I understand them; my goal here is to make these attacks accessible to people with minimal cryptography background. Then I’ll give one of my hot takes about PAKEs, which is probably mostly of interest to people who have read the partitioning oracles paper or similar.

Oracles by example

In cryptography, “oracle” means a black-box function or system that takes an input and returns an output. In the context of an attack, an oracle is used to formally model unexpected information leakage that gives the attacker some extra information. Oracle attacks are interesting and educational because they illustrate why it’s so important that an encryption of a message reveals no (efficiently computable) information about the message itself: even seemingly innocuous extraneous information can be used, surprisingly, to break the encryption scheme entirely.

Typically, when cryptographers describe an attacker for a cryptosystem, they model the attacker as having certain capabilities, such as the capability to request encryptions for a reasonable number of messages of their choice. Then the attacker has a challenge that they have to solve, such as distinguishing an encryption of another message of their choice from an encryption of a random message.

But in a real implementation of that cryptosystem, the attacker might learn a lot more than is modeled in these formal enumerations of their capabilities. The attacker might be able to observe the time that it takes to encrypt a message, or might even learn something about the contents of a message from elsewhere in the system. Oracles are a way to formally describe this type of leakage. For example, suppose a server decrypts a message and then inserts it into a database, and the database returns an error in a short-circuit if the message’s first byte is 0x00, and goes on to do some other processing otherwise. An attacker can learn from observing the timing of this database operation whether the message starts with 0x00. We can model this as an oracle, by saying that the attacker has the capability to query an oracle function whose output is 1 if and only the message starts with 0x00.

The classic example of an oracle attack is a padding oracle, where the attacker learns a single extra bit about any arbitrary ciphertext: whether it is padded correctly. “Padding” here refers to the fact that many encryption schemes don’t work on messages of arbitrary lengths. For example, it’s common for encryption algorithms to process messages in blocks of 16 bytes, so messages have to be padded to a multiple of 16 bytes, with some well-defined and reversible padding scheme. One example of a padding scheme is to fill in the padding bytes with the length of the padding. In this scheme, a message of length 60 bytes will be padded with 4 bytes set to the value 0x04, so that the ciphertext is an even 16 x 4 = 64 bytes long.

When implementing cryptographic algorithms, it’s easy to accidentally provide a padding oracle to attackers. The oracle often comes from a timing side-channel, because it’s tempting to short-circuit if padding is invalid and not go on to do other processing that is done for correctly padded messages.

And it’s not too hard to implement a padding oracle attack for many encryption schemes. I’ll illustrate this with a hypothetical example that demonstrates the basic concept.

Suppose you have an encryption scheme where flipping a bit in a ciphertext flips the corresponding bit in the underlying plaintext. So if you encrypt some message m, flip the last bit in the ciphertext, and then decrypt it, you’ll get a message which is the same as m but with the last bit flipped. (It might seem, intuitively, that a secure encryption scheme shouldn’t have this property that you can transform a ciphertext to produce a predictable transformation in the plaintext, but this property on its own isn’t actually enough to break the encryption algorithm. The property is called malleability, and some common encryption algorithms have it and others don’t.)

Suppose you’re using this encryption scheme with the padding scheme I described above: messages are padded with n bytes, each set to the value n, to extend the message length to a multiple of 16 bytes. We’ll say that there’s always at least one byte of padding added, so a message that is originally 16 bytes would be padded to 32 bytes.

Now consider an attacker who has some ciphertext which is an encryption of a message m, and the attacker wants to learn what m is. The attacker can request decryptions for an arbitrary number of ciphertexts to learn if the underlying plaintexts have valid padding – this is the padding oracle. Here’s the attacker’s algorithm:

  • First, we need to figure out what the padding value is. The attacker will do this by searching for how to transform the original message into a message that has only one byte of padding. The attacker iteratively chooses a byte b from 0x01 to 0xff, and at each iteration, the attacker xors the last byte of the ciphertext with b and queries to see if the padding is valid. (Technically we don’t have to check every possible value of b, because we know there are only so many possible values of the real underlying padding byte, but that’s an optimization we can ignore for simplicity.)
    • When the attacker finds a value for b that produces valid padding, then the attacker has learned that the last byte of the message xored with b is (probably1) equal to 0x01, which allows them to recover the actual last byte of the message – the length of the original message’s padding.
    • If every possible value of b results in a padding error, then the attacker knows that the actual padding value is 0x01.
  • Suppose the attacker has now discovered that there are 3 bytes of padding in the original message, so the last 3 bytes of the message are 0x03. The attacker is now going to search for the value of the 4th-to-last byte of the message (which is the last byte of the original unpadded message). They’ll do this by transforming the last 3 bytes of the message from 0x03 to 0x04, and then searching for how to transform the 4th-to-last byte to 0x04:
    • To transform the last 3 bytes of the underlying message from 0x03 to 0x04, the attacker xors the last 3 bytes of the ciphertext with 0x07 (because 0x03 ⊕ 0x07 = 0x04).
    • If at this point the ciphertext produces valid padding, then the attacker knows that the 4th-to-last byte is 0x04.
    • Otherwise, now the attacker again iterates from b = 0x01 to 0xff and xors the 4th-to-last byte of the ciphertext with b. When the attacker finds a value of b that produces valid padding, they know that the 4th-to-last byte’s value xored with b is (again, probably) 0x04, and from that they can recover that byte’s value.
  • Now it’s a simple matter of iterating this procedure for each remaining byte, from last to first, to recover the entire message!

The high-level idea is that if an attacker can transform a ciphertext in a way that produces a predictable change in the plaintext, they can use this to search for transformations that produce valid padding. If they know that a transformed byte of ciphertext produces a valid padding byte in the plaintext, then they might be able to learn what the original byte of plaintext was by undoing that transformation.

Partitioning oracles

Now that I’ve talked so much about padding oracles, you might be a bit peeved to hear that partitioning oracles are not really like padding oracles at all. I believe that they both will be classic oracle attacks with significant practical impact, but that’s mostly where the similarity ends. I mostly explained padding oracles because they are a relatively straightforward example of what an oracle is and how it can be used, and because they can help explain partitioning oracles as a series of contrasts.

Attack target: plaintext versus password

Whereas a padding oracle attack aims to recover a plaintext from a ciphertext, a partitioning oracle attack aims to recover the secret key – which is far more devastating, because it allows the attacker to subsequently decrypt any message. Padding oracles are relevant to any cryptosystem that uses a padding scheme, but partitioning oracle attacks specifically target cryptosystems that derive keys from low-entropy secrets like passwords.

Password-based cryptosystems are inherently weaker than systems where a key is chosen at random. The space of passwords is usually smaller than the space of possible keys, and passwords can be chosen weakly, often coming from a large dictionary of common passwords. Password-based cryptosystems aim to at least avoid offline brute-force attackers, where an attacker can eavesdrop on some communication and then try a bunch of different passwords offline. Instead, the attacker should be forced to interact with the legitimate parties; in the real world, this is a significant deterrent since the attacker will be subject to denial-of-service and anti-fraud protections if they have to interact with a real server, plus the time required to process each guess will be slowed down by network latency and other factors.

So, the partitioning oracle setting is an online guessing attack. The goal is to dramatically speed up the attack over trying candidate secrets one-by-one.

Applicable encryption schemes: malleable encryption versus non-committing authenticated encryption

When I described padding oracle attacks, the encryption scheme had a special property that allowed the attacker to work: malleability, or the ability to transform a ciphertext in such a way that produces a predictable transformation in the plaintext.

In contrast, partitioning oracles target authenticated encryption schemes with a different specific property.

First, what’s authenticated encryption? In an authenticated encryption scheme, by definition, once a message has been encrypted, any change to the ciphertext will cause decryption to fail with an error. (Note that by definition, an authenticated encryption scheme cannot be malleable.)

Second, what’s this special property we need? It’s called key multi-collisions, and it’s much less well-known2 than malleability. If an authenticated encryption scheme has key multi-collisions, it means that the attacker can generate a ciphertext that decrypts without error under several different keys. The paper calls such schemes non-committing.

At first glance, the presence of a key multi-collision might sound in conflict with the definition of authenticated encryption. But note that the goal here is not to transform a ciphertext such that it decrypts under several different keys; rather, it’s to generate a ciphertext from scratch. And it turns out that, surprisingly, some rather well-known and commonly used authenticated encryption schemes are non-committing (aka, not resistant to key multi-collisions). That is, in these schemes, it’s possible (and efficient) to construct a ciphertext that decrypts without error under many different keys. The attacker might not know much about what it decrypts to, but they know it successfully passes authentication checks and decrypts to something.

I don’t have a good intuition for what makes an encryption scheme multi-collision resistant or not. In the partitioning oracles paper, the authors describe how to construct key multi-collisions for some encryption schemes where the encryption scheme is a series of algebraic operations, so constructing a key multi-collision is a “simple” matter of solving a system of linear equations. I’m not sure if all forms of key multi-collisions will take this same basic shape or not. This is something I’d like to understand better in future.

The oracle itself: padding validity versus authentication

As previously discussed, in a padding oracle, the attacker is able to somehow learn whether a ciphertext decrypts to a message with valid padding. In a partitioning oracle, the attacker is able to learn something totally different: whether or not a ciphertext decrypts without error, or, in other words, passes the encryption scheme’s authentication check.

The paper calls this a partitioning oracle because, along with an algorithm for generating key multi-collisions, the oracle allows the attacker to partition the set of secrets into those that are possibly the true underlying secrets and those that are not. In other words, a partitioning oracle and key multi-collision algorithm allow the attacker to generate a ciphertext that “guesses” many secrets at once and submit that to the oracle to learn if the underlying secret is one of those guesses.

For example, if attacking a password-based encryption scheme, the attacker can choose a set of common passwords from a password dictionary and generate a ciphertext that decrypts under all the corresponding keys, and submit that ciphertext to the oracle. If the ciphertext decrypts without error (according to the oracle), then the attacker can recursively search that set of common passwords; otherwise, they can recursively search the remainder of the dictionary. The speed of the attack depends on how much control the attacker has over the key multi-collision. In the best case, the attacker can generate a key multi-collision for exactly half the remaining passwords at each step and perform a binary search.

Where might a partitioning oracle arise in practice? The paper has an in-depth case study of an encrypted UDP proxy protocol where the client and server share a password from which they derive an encryption key. The oracle arises from the fact that, upon receiving an encrypted packet from the client, the proxy server opens a port (to listen to a response from the target server) if and only if the packet decrypts without error. Thus, an attacker can send an encrypted packet to the proxy server and observe (via port scanning) whether a port was opened to determine whether the ciphertext decrypted without error.

There are quite a few other details in there, both in the cryptography and the implementation, but that’s the basic idea of the attack. Most interestingly, the authors show how to construct key multi-collisions that decrypt to messages that pass format checks. In the encrypted proxy example, the attack only works if the ciphertext decrypts to a message that starts with 0x01. Constructing this kind of collision requires some good luck, so it doesn’t scale to arbitrary format checks. In fact, one of the authors’ suggestions for fixing key multi-collisions is to change encryption schemes to prepend 16 zero bytes to messages and check for their presence upon decryption. This is essentially a format check, but a long enough one that it’s not practical to pass it by luck when constructing key multi-collisions.

Can you just tell me what I should look out for?

If you don’t care too much about the details, here’s what to watch out for:

  • For padding oracles, if the encryption scheme is malleable and the implementation allows attackers to differentiate whether a ciphertext decrypts to a message with valid vs. invalid padding, then you are probably going to have a bad time.
  • For partitioning oracles, if the encryption scheme is based on passwords or some other secret that isn’t a randomly generated key, and the encryption scheme allows attackers to generate ciphertexts that decrypt without error under multiple keys, and the implementation allows attackers to determine whether a ciphertext decrypts without error or not, then you are probably going to have a bad time.

Unfortunately, partitioning oracle attacks will probably be harder for non-experts to spot than padding oracles, at least until the concept of key multi-collision resistance becomes more mainstream. It’s very easy to discover whether a particular encryption scheme is malleable by googling around for a few minutes, but this isn’t really the case for key multi-collision resistance.

A hot take about PAKEs

The partitioning oracles paper also presents another case study attack against a state-of-the-art Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE). The PAKE they target allows a client to authenticate to a server with a password, without the server knowing the actual password. Technically this is called an asymmetric PAKE (aPAKE). aPAKEs are useful because they keep passwords secret against phishing servers, and in the event that a legitimate server gets breached.

A weird thing about this aPAKE partitioning oracle attack is that it’s “backwards” from how we typically think about cryptographic attacks. By “backwards” I mean that the server is attacking the client (since the client is the entity that knows the password), whereas a more common attack scenario is for a client to be attacking a server.

At a high level, in an aPAKE partitioning oracle attack, we assume that an impersonating server can somehow induce a client to make many login requests. As part of the protocol for each login request, the fake server provides a key multi-collision to guess from a set of passwords. The fake server observes the client’s behavior (which is the partitioning oracle) to determine whether the real password is in their set of guessed passwords.

My hot take is that these new aPAKE partitioning oracle attacks don’t have as much immediate practical impact as other oracle attacks. I don’t know of any aPAKE deployment where the client can be tricked into making many login requests, or even any login requests, without human user involvement. My extensive research (aka, polling my Twitter followers) didn’t turn up many plausible scenarios. One possible setting is in the case of a password manager that stores the aPAKE password and automatically logs the user in upon request. But, password managers usually wouldn’t initiate a login request without some kind of human interaction, since people usually don’t want to be identified to servers without their consent. This means that the attacker would have to wait for the client to initiate each login request, plus the error would likely be user-visible, raising the likelihood of detection and lowering the probability of success. And, if the aPAKE were integrated with TLS or another form of server authentication, the attacker might (depending on the specific integration) have to break TLS over a long period of time to execute the attack.

In the paper, the authors give the example of malicious JavaScript on an attacker-controlled web server that initiates many aPAKE login requests. This follows the example of BEAST and other attacks which initiate multiple requests from JavaScript to attack session cookies or other secrets. I find this to be an unrealistic attack setting for aPAKEs on several levels. First, web browsers don’t generally implement aPAKEs, and if they did and integrated them with browser-based password managers, I imagine that each login request would require user interaction, as I just explained. Further, I previously wrote up a different hot take about why I don’t think PAKEs are coming to the web or web browsers, and that further cements my skepticism about the practicality of this attack.

Don’t get me wrong: partitioning oracle attacks in aPAKEs are weaknesses that should be fixed, and security experts should probably develop a set of best practices for implementors to follow to minimize susceptibility to such attacks. But, I do think these attacks will remain mostly confined to the theoretical world. Generally I predict partitioning oracle attacks will have significant practical impact, perhaps as much as padding oracle attacks, but I think that impact will come from settings other than aPAKEs.

Thanks to Chris Palmer and Jon Millican for giving me feedback on an earlier version of this post.

  1. There could be some unlucky cases where the attack strategy doesn’t actually work. For example, suppose the original unpadded plaintext is 15 bytes long and ends in 0x02. The padded plaintext’s last two bytes would be 0x02 0x01 (the original unpadded message’s last byte, followed by one byte of padding). In this case, a choice of b = 0x03 would produce valid padding, because the transformed plaintext would end in 0x02 0x01 ⊕ 0x03 = 0x02 0x02 – a valid padding of two bytes. So the attacker has unwittingly transformed the plaintext so that it ends up with two bytes of padding instead of one, which is what the attacker was searching for. We could construct other cases like this where the attacker accidentally finds valid padding that isn’t what they were looking for, due to a fluke in the original message. It’s okay to ignore these cases though, because even breaking some or most encryptions is enough to declare the encryption scheme broken. These weird cases also might be less likely if the application had certain format requirements on the plaintext whose encryption the attacker is trying to break – for example, the application might only encrypt ASCII-encoded English strings. 

  2. To put this into context, if you take an undergraduate cryptographic course, you will probably learn about malleability early in the semester. I’ve taken multiple graduate-level cryptography courses, albeit some years ago, and had never heard of multikey collisions until I read this paper last week. 

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